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Shilin Carried Out an Emergency Medical Knowledge Training Meeting

In order to improve Shilin Red Cross work, maintain the harmonious and stable development of Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark, strengthen the emergency rescue and security work to be done by the staff of shilin Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark, the emergency medical knowledge training meeting was jointly conducted by the leading unit of Shilin County Red Cross and Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark Administrative Bureau on July 11, 2017. A total participants of 120, from Shilin County Red Cross,  division heads, staff representatives, staff of Comprehensive Law, battery-powered tour bus drivers, tour guides of Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark Administrative Bureau, took part in the meeting.

The training course, conducted by expert Li Yan,  from the Yunnan Provincial Red Cross Health Care Training Center, mainly focused on how to deal with some unexpected situations encountered in the daily work and life , including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), on-site trauma care, (such as hemostasis, bandage, fixation, handling), on-site first aid and precautions, common injuries of traffic accidents and the knowledge of first aid, emergency safety and survival skills.  At the same time the know-how of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and basic knowledge on first-aid, was carried out on the site through the methods of interactive teaching, with dummy used in the process. All the trainees knew how to carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and trauma and other four basic knowledge on rescue skills. The trainees were deeply attracted by the vivid explanation and practical contents. During the training process, the trainer had interactions with all the trainees, making the knowledge easily elaborated. Each one was benefited from the training course.

The staff from the Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark Administrative Bureau realized the importance of emergency first aid, which helped enhance the level of Shilin’s first aid and safety guarantee. 

滇ICP备15008403号 版权所有:云南石林风景名胜区管理局 技术支持:盛威时代科技集团有限公司

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