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The Common Value of South China Karst

China, one of the countries where has the most widely distributed area of karst landform with the most developed karst landscape in the world. The exposed karst area in China covers a total area of 125 square kilometers, which takes up 13% of Chinese territory. Especially in southern China, karst mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, and extended to Chongqing, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei and parts of Guangdong province. The exposed the karst area in this region covers an area of 60 square kilometers, and is considered the most typical example of karst landform developed land with the largest area in the world in tropical and subtropical region.

Nominated cities of "South China Karst" comprehensively represent the unique natural geographical features of South China Karst from different aspects and different angles.  The area also reflects the complex geological evolution, special karst type, karst ecological system, biological diversity and natural scenery, thus shares the common value of the world.

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