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The distribution of Karsts in China

China’s Karsts spread as widely as diversely, which is rare all over the world. In China, as the foundation matter of Karsts----carbonate rocks (for example, limestone, dolomite, gypsum, and rock salt and so on) can be found in a wide range as well. According to incompletely statistics, the total area of the Karsts is as much as 2 million square kilometers. The exposed carbonate rocks cover about 1.3 million square kilometers, which possesses one seventh of the total area. Buried carbonate rocks composed about 700,000 square kilometers. The carbonate rocks are distributed all over China, while Guangxi Province, Guangzhou Province and eastern Yunnan possess the majority of the resources. Western Hunan Province, western Hubei Province, eastern Sichuan Province, Shandong Province and Shanxi Province also possess carbonate rock recourses.

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